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Cozy Grove Game Review for 2024

Explore the mystical island of Cozy Grove by engaging in simple and soothing tasks.

Animal like characters sitting around a cosy campfire, roasting marshmellows in the glow of the fire.

4.5 out of 5

ESRB rating of E10, Suitable ages 10 and up, Mild violence, infrequent mild language

Suitable ages 10 and up

Mild violence, infrequent mild language

6 minutes


Nina Hanson

Cozy Grove, developed by Spry Fox, emerges as a standout in this cozy gaming genre, offering a unique blend of relaxing calm and haunting charm.

As the gaming community increasingly seeks solace in virtual worlds, this review aims to shed light on Cozy Grove’s distinctive qualities, providing valuable insights for gamers contemplating a cozy retreat in 2023.

Join us on a journey through the whimsical and ghostly landscapes of Cozy Grove in our Cozy Grove review!

Cozy Grove Review: Key Elements

Cozy Grove, introduced to the gaming scene in 2021, is reminiscent of Animal Crossing but distinct in its own right.

The game transports players to a seemingly uninhabited island with a haunting past. As a Spirit Scout, players embark on a heartwarming journey to help ghostly inhabitants find solace, unlock memories, and infuse life into the once-muted landscape.

The game’s art style, a delightful blend of adorable and slightly dark elements, sets it apart visually. The haunting undertones add depth to the narrative, creating an engaging atmosphere. The player’s daily tasks, assigned by whimsical spirits, contribute to building relationships and bringing color back to the island.

Cozy Grove, with its real-time clock and structured gameplay, strikes a balance between relaxation and engagement. As players unravel the island’s mysteries and witness its transformation, the game promises a cozy, immersive experience that captivates both fans of the genre and newcomers alike.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes this game one of the cozy favorites with players worldwide.

Gameplay Experience

Cozy Grove draws inevitable comparisons to the juggernaut, Animal Crossing: New Horizons cozy game . Unlike the open-ended nature of its predecessor, Cozy Grove offers a more structured experience.

Daily tasks assigned by the island’s endearing spirits set a clear goal each day, providing a refreshing departure for those who found the endless possibilities of Animal Crossing a tad overwhelming.

What sets Cozy Grove apart is its real-time clock, mirroring the passage of time in the game world. This approach, reminiscent of Animal Crossing, injects an element of realism and time management into the gameplay. The spirits, each with a unique personality, add character to the island, making the daily tasks feel purposeful and rewarding.

The game introduces a sentient campfire, Flamey, a nod to Howl’s Moving Castle’s beloved Calcifer character, which plays a pivotal role. Spirit wood, earned by aiding the ghostly inhabitants, fuels Flamey, illuminating the island and uncovering new areas.

The cyclical nature of the world, fading to muted tones and rejuvenating each day, creates a rhythm that respects the player’s time, encouraging a daily ritual rather than an incessant grind. This balance of structure and flexibility is where Cozy Grove finds its niche, offering a cozy and manageable daily gaming retreat.

Aside from Animal Crossing, Cozy Grove also personally reminds me of playing Don’t Starve in terms of its atmosphere and simulator style. However, where Don’t Starve can be a pretty stressful experience (those wild dogs always terrify me), Cozy Grove won’t spring any nasty surprises on you.

Art and Sound

Cozy Grove’s art style, both adorable and slightly dark, adds a unique touch to the cozy gaming landscape. The island’s muted, colorless state transforms into a vibrant feast for the eyes as players assist the spectral inhabitants, creating a visually rewarding experience.

The soundtrack emerges as a standout feature, rivalling the likes of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. An acoustic guitar is the main instrument here, perfectly complementing the game’s camping and outdoorsy theme.

While the soundtrack excels in providing a serene backdrop to daily activities, some players might yearn for a bit more variety in the tunes.

I personally think that the soundtrack and colors are both huge contributors to the cozy element of the game. Every time I pick up my Switch to resume gameplay, it feels like I’m coming home to what I know and where I feel safe.

Progression and Story

Cozy Grove, unlike many cozy games, unfolds its narrative over a span of 100 days, offering a unique approach to storytelling.

As a Spirit Scout stranded on the haunted island, players engage in daily quests for the endearing ghostly inhabitants, each quest contributing to the island’s rejuvenation.

The game introduces diverse quest types, from finding lost items to embarking on 24-hour timed tasks, ensuring a mix of story progression and rewarding activities.

Characters like Captain Billweather Snout and Allison Fisher become integral to the narrative, each with their own struggles and memories to uncover. While the approach to a real-time clock and limited daily tasks might not appeal to all players, the 100-day journey is filled with heartfelt moments and character development.

However, as the game progresses, the spirits that require assistance dwindle, potentially introducing moments of tediousness.

Despite this, Cozy Grove manages to create a narrative that tugs at the heartstrings, making the 100-day investment worthwhile for those seeking a deeper and emotionally resonant cozy gaming experience.

Cozy Grove Pros

  1. Spooky Visuals: Cozy Grove is right up lovers of spooky Halloween and cozying up on autumnal evenings (don’t we all).

  2. Structured Gameplay: For those who appreciate a bit of guidance, Cozy Grove offers a well-structured gameplay experience, ensuring a sense of direction without overwhelming tasks.

  3. Relaxing Atmosphere: The game provides a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere, creating a virtual safe space for players to unwind.

  4. Soothing Soundtrack: Accompanying the gameplay is a soothing soundtrack, enhancing the overall calming ambiance of Cozy Grove.

  5. Daily Tasks: The inclusion of daily tasks and a real-time clock adds an interesting layer, making each day in Cozy Grove a unique and manageable experience.

Cozy Grove Cons

  1. Repetitive Daily Tasks: While the daily tasks provide structure, some players may find them repetitive over time, potentially impacting long-term engagement.

  2. Limited Daily Progression: The game’s design, with a focus on daily tasks and time-locked play, might not align with the playstyle preferences of those seeking more extensive progression in a single sitting.

Conclusion with Scores

In conclusion, Cozy Grove stands out as a truly charming and structured addition to the cozy gaming genre. Its unique art style, coupled with familiar soundtrack, creates an atmosphere that sets it apart.

The game’s daily tasks and time-locked progression offer a structured experience, catering to those who appreciate a bit of direction in their gameplay.

Scoring System:

  1. Game Design: 4/5 - The game excels in design, offering a visually appealing and distinctive art style.
  2. Game Narrative: 3.5/5 - While the story unfolds gradually, some players might find it lacking depth.
  3. Game Mechanics: 4/5 - Cozy Grove introduces a well-balanced mix of familiar mechanics with unique daily tasks.
  4. Cozy Factor: 4.5/5 - The game achieves a high level of coziness through its atmosphere and gameplay structure.
  5. Platform Availability: 4/5 - Available on various platforms, ensuring accessibility for a wide audience.

Feel free to share your thoughts on Cozy Grove or dive into the cozy gaming world further by checking out more reviews on Video Game Tavern!

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