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Everything We Know about Haunted Chocolatier in 2024

It’s no secret that the cozy gaming community is in a fever pitch, waiting for the upcoming release from ConcernedApe, the creator behind cozy favorite Stardew Valley, entitled Haunted Chocolatier.

Haunted Chocolatier logo with snowy mountain scapes in the background

4 out of 5

ESRB rating of E10, Suitable ages 10 and up, Mild violence, infrequent mild language

Suitable ages 10 and up

Mild violence, infrequent mild language

5 minutes


Nina Hanson

This highly anticipated game promises a delightful blend of cozy charm and haunting mystery, offering gamers a unique experience distinct from its pixelated predecessor which falls under the farming simulation genre.

Haunted Chocolatier, unveiled by ConcernedApe in October 2021, is set to immerse players in a world filled with ghosts and sweet confections. While sharing some thematic elements with Stardew Valley, this new adventure shifts its focus towards a captivating action-RPG experience, introducing combat as a central element to the gameplay.

The prospect of crafting chocolate in a haunted mansion adds an intriguing twist to the anticipated gaming landscape, leaving fans eager to unravel the sweet secrets hidden within.

For those who found solace and joy in Stardew Valley’s landscapes and heartwarming narratives, Haunted Chocolatier stands as an anticipating promise of cozy spookiness.

Let’s uncover the mysteries and delights that await in Haunted Chocolatier!

Haunted Chocolatier Key Game Elements

Development Updates

ConcernedApe, in his dedicated pursuit of crafting another cozy masterpiece, has shared glimpses into the challenges and ambitions shaping this whimsical adventure.

As of the latest update in October 2023, Eric Barone posted some screenshots of Haunted Chocolatier on his Twitter account .

While acknowledging the absence of a set release date, Barone emphasized the importance of allowing the game to evolve organically without the constraints of rigid timelines. He reassured fans that he wouldn’t compromise on the game’s quality, stating in October 2021 :

“I won’t rest, or release this game, until I am personally satisfied that it’s very fun and compelling in every aspect.”

He’s actually been working on Haunted Chocolatier since 2020 on weekends and free time during the week. ConcernedApe is a solo creator, doing everything himself in a new engine from Stardew Valley called C#/Monogame. This means it can take a while until it’s ready for release (…if ever).

![Lily and another Haunted Chocolatier character chatting inside a house](/cozy-games/haunted-chocolatier-review/Haunted-Chocolatier-game-screenshot-1 (1).png)

Gameplay Insights

Haunted Chocolatier, from various screenshots and little glimpses, seems to be a world teeming with ghosts, mystery, and chocolate alchemy. While the essence of Stardew Valley lingers in the town format, Haunted Chocolatier introduces new gameplay mechanics that promise a very different experience.

Haunted Chocolatier mirrors its predecessor in the “town game” genre, welcoming players to a new locale where relationships with townspeople are pivotal.

However, the game takes a departure from the pastoral simplicity of Stardew Valley, embracing an action-RPG framework.

Combat, a central element, receives a significant spotlight, offering players a diverse array of weapons, including shields with strategic applications. The shield/stun mechanic adds depth, rewarding players for their tactical prowess.

The core gameplay loop revolves around the art of chocolate making. Players gather ingredients, craft delectable chocolates, and manage their chocolate shop. The haunted castle serves as a mysterious backdrop, introducing an element of the unknown.

ConcernedApe, in a blog post, emphasized the exploration of fantastical possibilities, aiming to transcend the ordinary and channeling the energy of the moon, creating a positive and life-affirming experience.

The haunted setting introduces friendly ghosts aiding players in managing their chocolate shop, a unique twist in the cozy gaming universe.

While still in early development, the gameplay trailer teases interactions, town settings, and locales, hinting at the rich tapestry that will unfold. Haunted Chocolatier invites players to embark on a journey where chocolate-making and ghostly enchantment converge in a harmonious dance of magic and mystery.

Release Date and Platforms

The release date for Haunted Chocolatier remains in limbo, with developer ConcernedApe expressing a commitment to delivering a game of unparalleled quality rather than succumbing to the pressures of a predefined release date.

In a FAQ update from 2021, Eric Barone shared, “I can’t commit to a release date yet,” emphasizing the importance of allowing the game to develop naturally.

As for platforms, the only certainty thus far is the game’s availability on PC.

However, ConcernedApe has assured the community of “every intention” to extend the enchantment to other major platforms.

While the specifics of the release timeline may linger in uncertainty, the promise of a meticulously crafted gaming experience ensures that Haunted Chocolatier will find its way to eager players across various platforms in due time.

Target Audience Reaction

The cozy gaming community, known for its appreciation of heartwarming and enchanting gameplay experiences, has been buzzing with anticipation for Haunted Chocolatier.

Reddit forums, social media platforms, and gaming communities have become virtual meeting grounds for enthusiasts to share their excitement and expectations for ConcernedApe’s upcoming creation.

On various forums dedicated to cozy games, fans have expressed their eagerness to delve into the haunted world of chocolate-making and ghostly encounters.

While some discussions revolve around speculations about the game’s mechanics and potential Easter eggs, others resonate with the sentiment of appreciating the developer’s commitment to quality over rushed releases.

The cozy gaming community, known for its supportive and engaged nature, eagerly counts down the days until they can embark on a new virtual journey filled with magical chocolates, friendly ghosts, and the unmistakable charm that ConcernedApe is renowned for.


The above summarizes everything we know so far about Haunted Chocolatier. From its departure from Stardew Valley to the promise of ghostly chocolate alchemy, Haunted Chocolatier beckons players into a realm of magic and mystery!

Stay tuned for further updates, where we’ll continue to unravel the secrets of this much-anticipated creation.

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