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Cozy Games on Xbox Game Pass: Your Ultimate Guide

You have your Xbox, you have your subscription to Xbox Game Pass. You're cruising for your next cozy game and need a little inspiration. VideoGameTavern has you covered.

Xbox Game Pass, the subscription-based gaming service from Microsoft, can be a treasure trove for cozy gamers. With a vast library of games available for a monthly fee, it’s the perfect platform to immerse yourself in the world of charming, low-stress gaming.

In this page, we delve into some of the best cozy games available on your Xbox Game Pass - because there’s a lot to choose from!

So if you’re looking for a little cozy inspo to decide what you’re going to download this month, look no further.

Go ahead, grab your coziest blanket, prepare a cup of your favorite beverage (or three if you’re a beverage goblin like me), and let’s embark on this journey through the heartwarming world of cozy games on Game Pass.

Xbox Game Pass - The Cozy Gamer’s Paradise

Enter the great Xbox Game Pass!

(One) of the ultimate havens for cozy gamers.

If you’re an enthusiast of all things snug and serene, this subscription service is your golden ticket to the world of pastels and muted colours, and heartfelt storylines.

To be totally transparent, overall, Playstation Plus does have a larger game selection, but it’s not by a large margin. Both Xbox Game Pass and Playstation Plus have roughly 2000 games on offer.

Playstation Plus, available on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 , also does have more exclusive titles. BUT – the exclusive titles are mostly AAA games, as opposed to the cozy selection we’re after.

So, in the world of cozy games, Xbox Game Pass and Playstation Plus are pretty much on the same level. It’s purely down to what console you actually own, you don’t need to buy something else if you’re happy with what you have.

There is one key pro for Xbox Game Pass that Playstation Plus can’t beat - the subscription cost.

For a modest monthly fee of $10 (or a bargain $60 per year as opposed to the $80 for Playstation Plus) on Xbox Game Pass, you gain access to an extensive array of games, cozy gems included.

What was once a considerable investment in individual game purchases becomes a cost-effective subscription, allowing you to explore new cozy worlds without breaking the bank.

Top Cozy Games on Xbox Game Pass

Now, let’s delve into our beloved world of cozy gaming on Xbox Game Pass.

Below, you’ll find a curated list of 15 must-play games that are sure to do the trick and soothe your soul.

1. Disney Dreamlight Valley (Rating: ★★★★☆)

In this nostalgic world, you’ll help magical creatures while exploring the Disney universe. The animation and graphics are genuinely great quality, and the gameplay is incredibly relaxing. Disney Dreamlight Valley is perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Read the full Disney Dreamlight Valley review here ->

2. Coffee Talk 1 & 2 (Rating: ★★★★☆)

If you’re a coffee lover, these games are a must-try. Playing as a barista, you’ll listen to customers’ stories and offer advice. The heartwarming narratives and soothing acoustic melodies create a calm atmosphere that’s perfect for cozy evenings.

Read the full Coffee Talk 1 review here ->

3. Unpacking (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Unpacking is oddly satisfying and meditative, or maybe not so oddly if cleaning and clearing up calms you down in real life too. Organizing and unpacking your belongings in various homes is definitely a unique concept. The game’s attention to detail and the gradual imposition of order amid chaos make it a cozy gem.

Read the full Unpacking review here ->

4. It Takes Two (Rating: ★★★★★)

This co-op game lets you and a friend take on various puzzles in a beautifully realized fantasy world. The split-screen gameplay allows you and the friend to work together to solve puzzles and challenges. I’ve played this with friends during COVID times and it’s pretty fun!

5. Chicory: A Colorful Tale (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Bring color back to a black and white world by painting your surroundings with a magical brush. Plus, you can make friends with adorable characters along the way. The magical brush mechanic and adorable characters are what make it a truly cozy adventure.

6. House Flipper (Rating: ★★★☆☆)

Transform drab spaces into stunning homes as you buy, renovate, and sell houses. It’s an excellent game to unwind with and release your inner interior designer. Especially if you grew up watching the Property Brothers or Flip or Flop like me.

7. Slime Rancher 2 (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Raise and trade adorable slime creatures while managing your farm. The original Slime Rancher was a hit, and the sequel doesn’t disappoint. Raising slime creatures and managing a farm is weirdly relaxing. If you’ve ever dreamed of farming without the real-life stress, this is a great choice.

8. Beacon Pines (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Immerse yourself in an interactive book with a choice-driven narrative that unfolds a gripping mystery. This choice-driven narrative game offers multiple paths influenced by your every decision. Bonus points for the high replayability factor. The mystery elements and engaging plot make Beacon Pines a cozy must-play.

9. Stardew Valley (Rating: ★★★★★)

Yes, I’m aware Stardew Valley is basically on every cozy game list on VideoGameTavern. But it’s with good reason. Stardew Valley is a timeless classic in the cozy gaming world. Farming, fishing, and building relationships in a charming town offer endless hours of relaxation. The addition of a multiplayer mode makes it even more enjoyable.

Read the full Stardew Valley review here ->

10. Eastward (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Uncover the mysteries of a once-great civilization and collect treasures as you go. This action-adventure game’s retro pixel art style and heartwarming storyline are a winning combination. Exploring the ruins of the civilization while battling foes and collecting treasures is both exciting and cozy.

11. A Short Hike (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Explore the peaceful wilderness of Hawk Peak Provincial Park. Choose your own path to the summit in this serene and beautiful game, which is all about enjoying the journey along the way. There’s also something about the graphics of this game that just instantly hit the ‘I’m relaxed’ switch inside my brain.

Read the full A Short Hike review here ->

12. Spiritfarer (Rating: ★★★★★)

Care for your boat and its passengers in this touching adventure. Your role as the ferry master Stella to the deceased provides an emotional journey. Admittedly, this is one of my personal favorites in the world of cozy games. I just love catching jellyfish and bottling lightning.

Read the full Spiritfarer review here ->

13. Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Honestly, the most visually stunning game on this list – and I don’t say that lightly with GRIS and Dordogne still coming up. It’s hard to beat the hand-painted, tightly woven narrative of Ori and his all new set of friends and foes. Join Ori as the little spirit ventures into an epic world filled with challenges, puzzles, and breathtaking visuals.

14. Dordogne (Rating: ★★★★☆)

Step into Mimi’s world and uncover cherished memories of her childhood as she comes to terms with some family secrets. Dordognes delivers on warm colors, calm exploration, and that emotional gut punch we all expect from a good cozy game.

15. GRIS (Rating: ★★★★★)

Follow the journey of Gris, a young girl navigating her own world of sorrow. Another personal favorite, there’s something about this game from publisher Devolver Digital that makes it incredibly memorable.

Read the full GRIS review here ->

Ok, so we’ve covered our top 15 games. Let’s move onto some tips for when you’re cozy gaming on Xbox Game Pass.

Tips for Cozy Gaming on Xbox Game Pass

While cozy games are inherently comforting, a few tips can enhance your experience with Xbox Game Pass:

  1. Discover New Titles: Keep an eye on the ever-growing library of Xbox Game Pass. Yes, we have our top 15 – but they’re not necessarily the newer games waiting to be found.

  2. Multiplayer Fun: Cozy gaming doesn’t have to be solitary if that’s what you want. Many cozy games, including Stardew Valley and It Takes Two, offer multiplayer modes. Invite a friend or family member to join you for a shared cozy adventure!

  3. Comfortable Setup: Your gaming environment matters. Ensure you have a comfortable chair, good lighting, and your favorite snacks and beverages nearby (calling all fellow beverage goblins). Create a cozy nook where you can immerse yourself in the game.

  4. Game Mode Settings: Xbox consoles often have a “Game Mode” setting that optimizes your gaming experience. Enabling it can reduce distractions and create a smoother, more immersive atmosphere.

  5. Soundscapes and Music: Some cozy games benefit from soundscapes or background music. Consider playing gentle, instrumental tracks to enhance the soothing atmosphere. You can find plenty of cozy gaming playlists online.

  6. Limit Screen Time: While cozy gaming is fantastic, it’s essential to maintain a balance. Set time limits to ensure you don’t lose track of time while engrossed in these delightful worlds.

  7. Embrace Slow-Paced Play: Cozy games are not about rushing through challenges. Embrace the slower pace, explore every nook and cranny, and savor the little moments that make these games special.

How to Download and Play

Getting cozy with your favorite games on Xbox Game Pass is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to start your cozy gaming journey:

  1. Xbox Game Pass Subscription: First, ensure you have an active Xbox Game Pass subscription. You can choose from various plans, including Xbox Game Pass for Console or PC.

  2. Game Library: Access your Xbox Game Pass library. You can do this via your Xbox console or the Xbox app on your PC.

  3. Browse Cozy Titles: Once in the library, navigate to the “Cozy Games” category or explore the entire catalog to discover cozy gems. The games mentioned in this blog post are a great place to start if you’re looking for inspiration!

  4. Select a Game: Choose a cozy game that piques your interest. Click on it to access more details.

  5. Install the Game: On the game’s page, select “Install.” The game will begin downloading to your console or PC. Ensure you have sufficient storage space available.

  6. Game Settings: While the game is downloading, consider exploring its settings. You can often adjust graphics, audio, and control settings to tailor your experience to your preferences.

  7. Launch and Enjoy: Once the game is downloaded, hit the “Play” button. You’ll be transported to the cozy world of your chosen game. Relax, explore, and savor every moment.

  8. Controller or Keyboard: Depending on your platform (console or PC), you’ll be using an Xbox controller or a keyboard and mouse. Ensure your input method is ready for a comfortable gaming session.

Remember, cozy games are all about unwinding, so there’s no rush. Take your time, delve into these unique, lovingly put together worlds, and let the stress of the day melt away.

Community and Social Aspects

Cozy gaming isn’t just about playing games; it’s also about sharing the experience with a community of like-minded gamers. Xbox Game Pass offers numerous ways to connect with others for a more enjoyable cozy gaming experience.

  1. The Cozy Gamers Community: You’re not alone on your cozy gaming journey. Xbox Game Pass has a vibrant community of cozy gamers. You can connect with them through social media platforms, gaming forums, or dedicated cozy gaming communities.

  2. In-Game Social Features: Many cozy games on Xbox Game Pass offer in-game social features. Whether it’s visiting your friends’ farms in Stardew Valley, teaming up with fellow adventurers in Spiritfarer, or sharing your in-game designs in Chicory: A Colorful Tale, these social aspects add depth to your gaming experience.

  3. Multiplayer Cozy Games: Some cozy games have a multiplayer component, allowing you to invite friends to your gaming world or join theirs. For example, in Stardew Valley, you can farm alongside your friends and collaborate on various projects, making it a truly cozy multiplayer experience.

  4. Cozy Gaming Forums: Explore cozy gaming forums and online communities to discuss your favorite titles, share tips, or seek recommendations for your next cozy adventure. These forums are excellent places to find kindred cozy spirits who appreciate the soothing charm of cozy games.

  5. Streaming and Sharing: Use Xbox Game Pass’s streaming and sharing features to connect with fellow gamers. Share your cozy gaming moments, strategies, or simply chat with your audience as you explore charming worlds together.

  6. Events and Tournaments: Keep an eye out for cozy gaming events, challenges, or tournaments organized by Xbox Game Pass. They provide opportunities to compete, collaborate, and immerse yourself further in the world of cozy gaming.

In cozy games, the community aspect is an essential part of the experience. Whether you’re helping each other build a flourishing farm, solve mysteries, or simply enjoying the soothing environments, the cozy gaming community is a welcoming and warm place to be.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out, connect with fellow cozy gamers, and make your Xbox Game Pass subscription into something a little extra.

Nina Hanson is not just your average gamer; she’s a passionate cozy gamer. With a deep love for all things snug and heartwarming, Nina has made it her mission to uncover the coziest gaming experiences on the Nintendo Switch. As the founder of Video Game Tavern, her cozy game haven, she’s dedicated to sharing the joy of these soothing adventures with fellow gamers.